Barometer Aneroid

KWD 15.000

SKU: 0914-0140 Category:


  • Aneroid Barometer is a scientific instrument that is used to measure atmospheric pressure (with the change of the distance below and above sea level). It is also names as barometric pressure.
  • Barometer is kept at the same level and can measures easily the pressure changes by weather and different causes of weathers.
  • Measuring air pressure using these instruments the usage of liquid is not required.
  • The instrument is designed with a small metal box named as Aneroid cell (Capsule) it is designed from alloy of Beryllium and Copper.
  • This expansion and contraction procedure drives mechanical levers i.e. the tiny movements of this capsule are amplified and are displayed on the screen of measuring barometer.
  • It is also used in different meteorology, in barographs and to create pressure in radiosonde.
  • Aneroid barometer is highly a sensitive instrument and can be used to record small changes in pressure.

Instrument Name: Barometer Aneroid